
Yes, this place is real and it exists in my home.

I seem to be always having those days when I just can’t get ahead.  I’m always running late, losing things, or just running around to get things done or get out of the house. Not to mention when you feel like you have just completely lost your mind, you can’t keep anything straight.  Your mind is either trying to remember a crazy schedule or it is just racing over upcoming events (good or bad).

During any or all of these times it’s important to remember to BREATH.

HA! This is a lot easier said then done.  I will never forget the morning when I had the dog and the baby (they needed to eat and the morning had been crazy) and my husband was heading out to work and he turns to me and said “This is Bananaland”. He thought this was funny, I didn’t so much after the crazy morning.  Well Bananaland became REALLY funny to me when I realized he had hurried out of the door so fast while laughing and forgot his laptop. I called him, he was already half way to work and I said something along the lines of “You forgot your laptop – this IS Bananaland”. Ohhhh I am not sure he thought that was funny. He came back though, got his laptop, and made it to his meeting.  Now and forever I’m sure we will call this place Bananaland.

What I realized though, is that sometimes things just get crazy and there is nothing you can do about it.  Sometimes you need to just get irritated, or out right mad but then just remember to laugh.  You HAVE to other wise you will lose your damn mind. Maybe at the end of the day pour yourself a glass of wine or have a beer – Cheers to Bananaland!
